


  • 星引擎party
  • Left4Dead2
  • Broken girls s02
  • 多邻国
  • 葬送的芙莉蓮
  • figma教程
  • Empire State of Mind-JAY-Z
  • Wonderland-廿四味
  • Animal-Noah Kahan




















这就好似stable diffusion画的和人手绘的,我们惊叹于软件生成的速度与真实的画家的感觉,可是其缺少灵魂,没有自己的想法,像是同样是木头材质的,一个是机器车床车的珠子,一个是人手工雕的塑像,前者看着摸着都不错,但是也仅限于看看摸摸。



  1. 网上审批。莫奈卡在去年初修改了申请规则,要求只能从上海发出,不能全国配送,也不在上海内配送,所以地址必须填写精确到门牌号的上海地址。之前填了一些地址审批不过,我就只能填了个上海希尔顿逸林酒店的地址。
  2. 卡的制作。鬼知道我等了多久,肯定不少于三个月,我自己亲自坐高铁到虹桥站,然后坐慢悠悠的绿色二号线到花木路取的。好处是顺便逛了下旁边的新国际博览中心。
  3. 开一类卡。我到老家的两件中行,说开一类卡,死活不给开,不管是外出上学,务工都不给,这也是相当的奇葩,无异于卖药的因为药品有副作用就把药店关了。所以又从上海网申了两张卡,其中一张卡寄到了老家,只能寒假回家的时候激活了。

  1. 冻结。买了200港币又卖出,又买了20美元,然后开了不到一个星期的一类卡就被冻结了。在杭州签了一些文件,还要发到开卡行去处理才解冻,并且把限额降到了一天一万人民币。


还有一件有意思的事情就是在留下支行,大堂经理说那几个老外在干嘛,这时候有个客户就说,作为服务业,怎么能叫人家老外呢。我觉得也有一定道理,大堂经理笑笑说他们听得懂的,然后旁边一个保安模样的说每天来20多个老外,我们就这么叫。“老外 ”其实算是一个中性词吧,并没有辱骂的含义,叫“外宾”有点太过尊敬,“外国人”有点疏远,“老外”反而听着比较亲切,就是不知道他们怎么想的。










1. wacky (古怪的)

  • Example: He has a wacky sense of humor.

2. frisbee (飞盘)

  • Example: We played frisbee in the park.

3. ledge (平台)

  • Example: The hiker stood on a narrow ledge overlooking the valley.

4. premonition (预感)

  • Example: She had a premonition that something bad was going to happen.

5. parlor (客厅)

  • Example: The family gathered in the parlor to watch TV.

6. aisle (过道)

  • Example: The bride walked down the aisle towards the groom.

7. smuggle (走私)

  • Example: The criminals were arrested for smuggling drugs into the country.

8. estate auction (遗产拍卖)

  • Example: The auction house held an estate auction to sell off the belongings of a wealthy family.

9. tapestry (挂毯)

  • Example: The museum displayed an intricate tapestry depicting a biblical scene.

10. stash (藏匿)

  • Example: The thief stashed the stolen money in a secret hiding place.

11. trophy (奖杯)

  • Example: The team was awarded a trophy for winning the championship.

12. defraud (欺诈)

  • Example: The scammer defrauded the victim out of thousands of dollars.

13. disguise (伪装)

  • Example: The spy wore a disguise to infiltrate enemy territory.

14. chignon (发髻)

  • Example: The ballerina wore her hair in a sleek chignon.

15. unorthodox (非正统的)

  • Example: The scientist proposed an unorthodox theory that challenged established norms.

16. hurdle (障碍)

  • Example: The track and field athlete cleared the hurdle with ease.

17. paddle (划桨)

  • Example: The canoeists used paddles to propel themselves through the river.

18. hymen (处女膜)

  • Example: The doctor examined the patient to determine if her hymen was intact.

19. cake tease (磨蹭)

  • Example: The cat gave the mouse a cake tease before pouncing on it.

20. siren voice (迷人的声音)

  • Example: The mermaid had a siren voice that lured sailors to their doom.

21. mardi gras (狂欢节)

  • Example: New Orleans is famous for its lively mardi gras celebration.

22. skim (掠过)

  • Example: The bird skimmed the surface of the water as it searched for fish.

23. crotchless (没有档的)

  • Example: The gymnast wore crotchless underwear to allow for greater flexibility.

24. exclusives (独家产品)

  • Example: The magazine published exclusive interviews with celebrities.

25. spanx (塑身衣)

  • Example: The woman wore spanx under her dress to smooth out her figure.

26. tylenol (泰诺)

  • Example: The patient took tylenol to relieve her headache.

27. blegh (呕吐声)

  • Example: The child made a blegh sound after tasting the bitter medicine.

28. sentimental (伤感的)

  • Example: The old man was sentimental about his childhood memories.

29. charms (护身符)

  • Example: The woman wore a necklace with several charms that were believed to bring good luck.

30. deface (毁容)

  • Example: The vandal defaced the statue with graffiti.

31. intestines (肠)

  • Example: The medical student was studying the human intestines in anatomy class.

32. swiffer (扫地机器人)

  • Example: The woman used a swiffer to clean the floor.

33. trauma (创伤)

  • Example: The soldier suffered severe trauma after the car accident.

34. urinate (小便)

  • Example: The man stopped by the side of the road to urinate.

35. brothel (妓院)

  • Example: The police raided a brothel and arrested the prostitutes and their customers.

36. panini (帕尼尼三明治)

  • Example: The coffee shop served a variety of delicious paninis.

37. force of habit (形成的习惯)

  • Example: He greeted his neighbor every morning out of force of habit, even though he didn't really know her.

38. slash (斜杠)

  • Example: The worker slashed the canvas with a razor blade.

39. narcissistic (自恋的)

  • Example: Her narcissistic personality made it difficult for her to maintain relationships.

40. gumbo (浓汤)

  • Example: The Louisiana restaurant served a spicy gumbo filled with shrimp, chicken, and sausage.

41. stoned (嗑药后的)

  • Example: The man was acting strangely because he was stoned.

42. fluster (慌乱)

  • Example: The student was flustered when her teacher asked her a question.

43. dollface (漂亮女人)

  • Example: The man called his girlfriend "dollface" as a term of endearment.

44. skunky (臭的)

  • Example: The marijuana had a skunky smell.

45. innuendo (暗示)

  • Example: The politician was accused of making inappropriate innuendos during his speech.

46. beaver (海狸)

  • Example: The beavers built a dam across the river.

47. cobbler (鞋匠)

  • Example: The cobbler repaired the man's shoes.

48. speedo (游泳运动员穿的紧身泳裤)

  • Example: The swimmer wore a speedo to compete in the race.

49. amuse-bouche (开胃菜)

  • Example: The restaurant served an amuse-bouche of roasted vegetables before the main course.

50. corrugated (波纹的)

  • Example: The cardboard box had corrugated edges for extra strength.

51. vicinity (附近)

  • Example: The store is located in the vicinity of the school.

52. in-laws (姻亲)

  • Example: The woman had a difficult relationship with her in-laws.

53. cringe (畏缩)

  • Example: The audience cringed when the comedian told an offensive joke.

54. dowry (嫁妆)

  • Example: The wealthy family offered their daughter a large dowry when she married.

55. tuberculosis (肺结核)

  • Example: The doctor diagnosed the patient with tuberculosis.

56. abusive (虐待的)

  • Example: The abusive husband beat his wife and children.

57. phobia (恐惧症)

  • Example: The woman had a phobia of spiders.

58. confess (承认)

  • Example: The criminal confessed to the murder.

59. far-flung (遥远的)

  • Example: Her family lived in a far-flung corner of the world.

60. intricately (复杂地)

  • Example: The artist painted an intricately detailed mural.

61. slaughtered (屠杀)

  • Example: The invading army slaughtered the villagers.

62. intricately choreography (精心编排)

  • Example: The ballet was a work of art with intricately choreography.

63. sloppy joe (烤牛肉三明治)

  • Example: The diner served sloppy joes with fries.

64. vomit jokes (呕吐笑话)

  • Example: The comedian made a series of vomit jokes that were met with mixed reactions from the audience.

65. bagels (百吉饼)

  • Example: The bakery sold a variety of fresh bagels.

66. saliva (唾液)

  • Example: The scientist studied the chemical composition of saliva.

67. intrigued (好奇的)

  • Example: She was intrigued by the mystery novel.

68. buoyant (浮力的)

  • Example: The boat was buoyant enough to hold several passengers.

69. strontium (锶)

  • Example: Strontium is a chemical element used in fireworks.

70. spherical (球形的)

  • Example: The earth is a spherical planet.

71. trophies (奖杯)

  • Example: The athlete had a collection of trophies from his many victories.

72. glean (收集)

  • Example: The farmer gleaned the wheat from the field.

73. bloat free belly (无腹胀的肚子)

  • Example: The new diet promised to give you a bloat free belly.