


  • I was/ I am-Noah Kahan
  • We own it-Wiz Khalfia
  • Midnights-Taylor Swift
  • HIFI Rush
  • 葬送的芙莉蓮
  • 香格里拉・開拓異境~糞作獵手挑戰神作~
  • 多邻国
  • The Simpsons 恐怖树屋&零碎剧集
  • FF5
  • FF6
  • Breaking Bad S01
  • Broken Girls S01








The Simpsons

辛普森一家一共33季,真是美国动漫的神作。不以写实打动人,主打就是夸张和真实。社会问题,人民本质,像是讽刺小说一样,被Simpson一家表现出来。恐怖树屋的每个故事都有渊源,又经过改写。我自己看到的有闪灵,s06e06里像Steins gate的时间回溯,还有盆子里的世界类似忘记哪里的冰箱里的世界。普通剧集里几乎每集都会讲一个社会问题,让动画得到了升华,也就是可以引发人的思考而不是一笑置之。


学了一段时间粤语,原因是出于兴趣,发现不仅是有些词语发音来源英语,而且有些句型也是来源于英语 比如再给我看一眼菜单,会和英语一样把重点放在要求上,睇多眼菜牌我。



















the Simpsons




暗语 jargon
例句:He used a lot of jargon that I didn’t understand.

强制要求 mandated
例句:The government mandated that all students must wear masks in school.

水手 mariners
例句:The mariners set sail for the open sea.

虚荣 vainglorious
例句:She was a vainglorious person who always bragged about her accomplishments.

浮力 buoyancy
例句:The boat’s buoyancy kept it afloat.

挥霍 profligate
例句:He was a profligate spender who always spent more money than he earned.

男爵 baronet
例句:The baronet was a wealthy and powerful man.

遗赠 bequeath
例句:He bequeathed his entire estate to his children.

激怒 enrage
例句:The news of his death enraged his family.

遗腹子 posthumous son
例句:He was a posthumous son, born after his father’s death.

年金 annuity
例句:He received a small annuity from his late wife’s estate.

团 regiment
例句:The regiment was ordered to march to the front lines.

惠顾 patronised
例句:The store was patronised by many wealthy and influential people.

默许 connivance
例句:The police chief was accused of connivance with the local criminals.

决斗 duel
例句:The two men agreed to settle their differences with a duel.

心软 relent
例句:The judge relented and reduced the defendant’s sentence.

着迷 enchant
例句:She was enchanted by the beauty of the forest.

违规 breach
例句:The company was found in breach of its contract.

和解 reconcile
例句:The two sides agreed to reconcile their differences.

使贫穷 impoverish
例句:The war impoverished the entire country.

和解 reconciliation
例句:The two sides reached a reconciliation agreement.

修订 amend
例句:The government amended the law to make it more effective.

游行 pageant
例句:The city held a pageant to celebrate its anniversary.

和蔼 suave
例句:The politician had a suave and charming manner.

睡衣 pajamas
例句:He was wearing his pajamas when he answered the door.

模具 mould
例句:The factory used moulds to make plastic parts.

尿布 diaper
例句:The baby needed a fresh diaper.

栗子 chestnut
例句:The tree was covered in chestnuts.

翠贝卡 Tribeca
例句:The Tribeca Film Festival is held every year in New York City.

中性 neuter
例句:The word “chair” is a neuter noun.

抹去 expunged
例句:The judge ordered the records of the case to be expunged.

老茧 calluses
例句:The worker had calluses on his hands from years of hard labor.

沙赞 Shazam
例句:The superhero Shazam can fly and shoot lightning bolts from his hands.

自助洗衣店 laundromat
例句:She went to the laundromat to wash her clothes.

酒保 bartender
例句:The bartender served the customer a drink.

芹菜 celery
例句:She added celery to the salad.

歧视 discriminate
例句:The company was accused of discriminating against its employees based on their race.

蝗虫 locust
例句:The locusts destroyed the crops.

皮条客 pimp
例句:The pimp was arrested for running a prostitution ring.

你好 namaste
例句:She greeted me with a namaste.

美洲狮 cougar
例句:The cougar is a large cat that lives in the mountains.

弹劾 impeach
例句:The president was impeached by the House of Representatives.

利用 avail
例句:She availed herself of the opportunity to travel to Europe.

拴 tether
例句:The dog was tethered to a tree.

迷宫 labyrinth
例句:The castle had a labyrinth of underground tunnels.

我已达上限 I am at capacity
例句:The restaurant is at capacity and cannot accept any more reservations.

卫生棉条 tampon
例句:She used a tampon during her period.

租赁 lease
例句:He signed a lease to rent an apartment.

舌吻 frenching
例句:The couple was seen frenching in the back of the car.

干预 intervention
例句:The government intervened in the conflict to try to resolve it.

五彩纸屑 confetti
例句:The children threw confetti at the parade.

海尼 heinie
例句:She gave him a playful slap on the heinie.

胆固醇 cholesterol
例句:He had high cholesterol and needed to take medication.

丑闻 scandal
例句:The politician was involved in a scandal that forced him to resign.

法庭技巧 courtroom savvy
例句:The lawyer had a lot of courtroom savvy and was able to win the case.

胶带 duct tape
例句:He used duct tape to fix the broken pipe.

新孢菌素 neosporin
例句:She applied neosporin to the cut on her leg.

自残 self-mutilating
例句:The teenager was self-mutilating as a way to cope with her emotional pain.

野蛮 barbaric
例句:The soldiers were accused of committing barbaric acts against the civilians.

小木屋 chalet
例句:They rented a chalet in the mountains for their ski vacation.

对 versus
例句:The two teams will face off against each other in the championship game.

整容 facelift
例句:She had a facelift to improve her appearance.

抨击 slams
例句:The critic slammed the movie for its lack of originality.

撬 pry
例句:He used a crowbar to pry open the door.

欺骗 fudge
例句:The politician fudged the facts to make himself look better.

涂鸦 doodle
例句:She doodled on her notebook while she was bored in class.

厌恶 squeamishness
例句:He had a squeamishness about blood and couldn’t watch horror movies.

唱 sung
例句:She sang a beautiful song at the concert.

皱眉贴 frownies
例句:She used frownies to try to reduce the wrinkles on her forehead.

灭虫灯 bug zapper
例句:The bug zapper attracted and killed the mosquitoes in the yard.

咬 nibble
例句:He nibbled on a piece of cheese while he watched TV.

胆小鬼 wusses
例句:The bullies called the other kids wusses because they wouldn’t fight back.

粗鞋 brogue
例句:He wore a pair of brogues to the wedding.

失败 flop
例句:The new movie was a flop and didn’t make any money.

烦人 irritating
例句:The constant noise was irritating and made it hard to concentrate.

压实机 compactor
例句:The construction crew used a compactor to pack down the soil.

装饰品 trimmings
例句:The Christmas tree was decorated with lights, ornaments, and trimmings.

设计 devise
例句:The engineer devised a new plan to solve the problem.

筒仓 silo
例句:The farmer stored his grain in a silo.

处置 dispose
例句:The company disposed of the hazardous waste in a safe and environmentally sound manner.

甜甜圈 doughnuts
例句:He bought a box of doughnuts for breakfast.

化合物 compound
例句:The chemist mixed several chemicals together to create a new compound.

傻瓜 dippo
例句:He was such a dippo that he didn’t even know how to tie his own shoes.

不祥 ominous
例句:The dark clouds in the sky were an ominous sign of a storm.

同等性 equivalency
例句:The two degrees were deemed to be of equivalency.

间歇性 intermittent
例句:The patient experienced intermittent pain in his leg.

犯人 convict
例句:The convict was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

番茄酱 ketchup
例句:He put ketchup on his fries.

发声干扰 stutter buzz
例句:The pilot experienced a stutter buzz in the engine.

性感带 erogenous zone
例句:The erogenous zone is a part of the body that is particularly sensitive to sexual stimulation.

店小二 busboy
例句:The busboy cleared the tables after the customers finished eating.

极客 geek
例句:He was a computer geek who loved to spend his free time playing video games.

乳沟 cleavage
例句:The model’s cleavage was showing in her low-cut dress.

理解 fathom
例句:I couldn’t fathom how he could be so cruel to her.